Wednesday, January 16, 2013

75 Pounds to Disneyland: Temptation Strikes

The continuing tales of one chunky Disney fan's personal quest to lose 80 pounds and visit Disneyland, in that order.  
See my first 80 Pounds to Disneyland post for all the details.
Previous Post: 80 Pounds to Disneyland

The Disney Parks are both a great benefit and detriment to my weight loss.  They definitely give me a reason to be active and walk miles upon miles at a time, especially when my favorite rides are on the opposite ends of the park.  I don't mind exercise when I trick myself into doing it.

However, I also find something more than just exercise while walking these theme parks.  I'm forced to pass numerous restaurants, snack stands, and carts peddling the most decadent desserts and foods known to man.  Humongous cupcakes, massive sundays, french fries with unlimited cheese sauce, burgers topped with onion rings and bacon and grease, all these things tempt me as I try to improve myself.

Friday, January 11, 2013

80 Pounds to Disneyland

The continuing tales of one chunky Disney fan's personal quest to lose 80 pounds and visit Disneyland, in that order. 

There are two things that have retained their pull from my childhood and continue to influence my life.  One is a fascination with the Disney company.  The other is a fascination with food.  The former mostly just drains my wallet, but the latter has resulted in an ever-expanding waistline.  Late last year, I finally exceeded the 300 pound mark, obliterating any excuses that I hadn't gained that much since the last time I weighed myself.

The problem then became not how to lose weight, but rather how to keep myself motivated.  Saying I was going to stay active and eat healthier is easy enough.  Actually following through, as time to exercise shrank and the wonderfully tasty theme park food continued to call to me, was a far more difficult proposition.  I once shrank 60 pounds just by being too active to think about food, while interning one summer in London.  Once I returned home to the usual grind, my weight resumed its steady march upward.